Getting started with Portfolios in Asana [VIDEOS]

Learn how to get started with Portfolios in Asana. Portfolios help you to zoom out and see where you're at across numerous projects. You can visualise when different projects start and finish, what milestones are coming up and track the capacity of your team. Continue reading

How to manage renewals in Pipedrive [VIDEO]

If you sell a product or service that renews (e.g. monthly or annually), you may be wondering what's the best way to manage this process in Pipedrive. In this video, I explain how to set up your pipelines and how to use automation to generate automatic reminders about upcoming renewals. Continue reading

Which VIEW should you use in Asana? [VIDEO]

When you set up a project in Asana, you can choose between the list, board, timeline or calendar views. But which one should you use? I often find people use the view that looks the nicest based on personal preference rather than the best view for the project. In this video, I share some thoughts on when to use certain views:

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quality in

Quality » In [PMP #292]

Almost all of the Pipedrive and Asana clients we work with tell us the same thing – “We’re not getting as much as we can out of the tool”. A big part of getting more out of the tool is learning how to use the tool itself. But an often overlooked aspect is making sure you're inputting good data and keeping it up to date.

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How to create sales goals in Pipedrive [VIDEO]

Have you set any sales targets for 2024?

Pipedrive makes it really easy to set revenue, activity-based or forecast targets within your account. This helps you to hold your sales team accountable and helps with adoption as the team will have to keep Pipedrive up to date for their goal progress to be accurate. Learn how to set up goals in my latest video:

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Annual Review 2023 [PMP 291]

Historically, I’ve closed out each year by sharing a summary of how I spent my time that year (previous years: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019) but this year I thought I’d do something different.

Keeping within the same theme, I’m going to reflect on major achievements this year and will share what I’m looking forward to in 2024.

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Pipedrive Automatic Assignment Rules [VIDEO]

Learn how to set up automatic assignment rules to route leads or deals to users or teams in your Pipedrive account based on certain criteria. This is great for assigning deals to a sales rep based on the region or perhaps based on the deal type or value.

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How I organise my windows to maximise efficiency [VIDEO]

I've been working from an ultra-wide monitor for the last few years and it's been a game-changer to my productivity. The ultra-wide display gives me a nice big canvas to work from and I can fit multiple tools or documents on the screen at once.

In this video, I share how I organise the windows on my computer using Keyboard Maestro to organise my apps and documents while I work. When you can quickly move windows around, and if you can fit more on the screen by using an ultra-wide monitor, it improves your overall efficiency,

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