Paul Minors

Quantity vs. Quality; What type of person are you? [PMP #202]

quality vs quantity

We all know about the importance of quality over quantity. And what I find interesting is to think about what you prefer (quantity or quality) as it relates to different areas of your life.

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We often assume that quality is the better alternative. But this doesn't always have to be the case. The key is to be aware of what type of person you are and be proactive about making the right choice for you. And if you find yourself quite far to one end of the spectrum to ask yourself what it would be life to go the other way. And a bit like efficiency and effectiveness, often we need a balance between the two.

Take me for example, in some cases I value quality, in others I value quantity:

This is an interesting exercise to go through and I’d encourage yourself to answer the questioning: ‘What are some areas of your life where quality is really important? And in what areas do you value quantity more?’

There’s no right or wrong answer here. You may disagree with some of my preferences and that’s fine. I’d love to hear about some of your own choices in the comments below!

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