Paul Minors

My boring morning routine [PMP #185]

my boring morning routine

Something I’ve started to do more of with my writing is to challenge popular opinions. For example, I’ve written about how too much of a focus on self-improvement can be a bad thing or why it’s okay to waste time.

My goal here is to take these popular opinions and look at the flip side. To help people realise that they don’t have to conform to these ideas and that they can make up their own mind.

And today, I’m challenging everyone’s favourite topic, the morning routine.

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Productivity experts love to talk about the importance of having a well thought out morning routine. In fact, back in 2015, I wrote about how I was waking up at 5 am and using the early morning to work, read, meditate and go to the gym before starting my day-job at 8 am.

Don’t get me wrong, morning routines are important and can be an important factor that contributes towards a successful day. But having a fancy morning routine is not a requirement for success.

My morning routine has changed over the years and I’d say that at this phase in my life, it’s pretty boring.

Back in 2015 and 2016, I was big into self-improvement. I was reading lots, getting up early to work on my side-business before work, and doing everything I could to improve myself.

It’s not that I don’t care about self-improvement any more. As I’ve discussed a few times recently, based on where I am in life right now, self-improvement just isn’t as much of a priority as it used to be.

And my current morning routine reflects this.

5:20 am – My alarm goes off and I hit snooze for 10 minutes. Now I used to think snoozing was really had. As Hal Elrod talked about in The Miracle Morning, when you hit the snooze button you’re saying no to waking up to your life. I don’t look at it this way anymore. Snoozing is my way of easing into the day.

5:30 am – I get in the shower. Not a cold shower like some people promote. Just a nice, warm shower.

5:45 am – I eat breakfast. Usually a simple muesli and a Berocca (vitamin drink). No fancy smoothies or lemon drinks.

6:00 am – Sometimes I’ll try and meditate for 10 minutes using the Headspace app. But if I’m not feeling it, I don’t force it. This is something I’ve only gotten back into recently and hasn’t been a consistent habit.

6:15 am – I drive to the co-working space listening to a podcast on the way.

6:30 am – I make a black coffee and start my workday, typically by answering email.

And that’s it.

It’s pretty simple. No fancy journaling, no exercise, no affirmations, or cold showers. And this is fine for me. Based on the season of life that I’m in right now, my focus in the morning is simply to get to work.

If you have a more elaborate and thought out morning routine, that’s great.

But everyone’s different. Some people get no time to themselves in the morning. They have kids to manage and trains to catch. So if you’re not able to start your day with a 2-hour routine consisting of meditation, journaling, reading, and exercise. That’s fine.

I think a more realistic goal to find a few moments to yourself throughout the day. Whether it’s a walk during lunch, reading on the bus, or going to the gym in the evening. Could you wake up 15 or 30 minutes earlier to do some of this? Sure. But self-improvement doesn’t have to be something that’s squished into the first few hours of your day.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you agree? Disagree? What does your morning routine look like? Let me know in the comments below!

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