Paul Minors

May 2015 Monthly Report

Welcome to my very first “Monthly Report”. I've decided to start writing these reports for a few reasons:

  1. Writing a monthly report is a nice way of journaling how I'm progressing towards my goals. By outlining my major achievements I can identify what's working well in my business and  stay motivated.
  2. Writing a monthly report is a cool way of allowing you to follow me on this journey of building my business.
  3. Writing a monthly report helps create a sense of accountability. i.e. every month I need to be improving so that I have good stuff to write about in my monthly report. If I'm not making progress these reports are going to be pretty lame – so it's a nice way of keeping me focused and pushing forward.



1. Launched “The Productivity Show”

I love podcasts! I listen to podcasts almost every single day and next to books they are one of my most importance sources of knowledge.

For this reason I started my own podcast so that I can deliver more value to my audience through the power of audio. Blogging is fun and I love writing. But a podcast really allows you to connect with the host and develop a much more personal relationship.

The Productivity Podcast is my new podcast dedicated to bringing you top productivity tips and advice from me and the guests I talk to.

2. Started a Weekly Journal

Ironically, earlier this month I started writing a weekly journal in Evernote. Every week I outline the major achievements from the week and the challenges I currently face. For the same reasons as above, I like going through this process on a weekly level so that I can celebrate the little things. The journal is also a great reference point for writing this monthly report as I can quickly flick back over the last four journal entries and go through my monthly achievements.

3. Released My “Productivity Essentials” Video Course

After I launched my 7-Day Productivity Plan eBook I decided that I wanted to add more value to this product by bundling it with a short video series. The idea here is that with the eBook and videos you'll learn what I consider to be the “essentials” of productivity in a quick and easy to digest format.

4. Made My First Few Sales

To date I've sold 2 versions of the ebook (the Padawan Learner package) and 1 version of the ebook + video (the Jedi Knight package) totalling $98.98. While this isn't a life changing amount of money it is a life changing step for me. To think that people who have found me online have purchased a digital product of my design is really mind blowing. The fact that I've had a few downloads is validation for me that people perceive value in the products and are willing to pay money for something I've created.

I'm really excited by this idea and I'm now focusing on scaling this up a lot more!

5. I Passed 1,000 Email Subscribers

Last week I passed 1,000 email subscribers on my “Productivity Newsletter” list. This is huge for me! I actively started building my email list at the end of January, so to pass 1,000 subscribers in 4 months is really awesome.


At the moment we're finishing off the renovations to our house and this month we made awesome progress on the bathroom. Before we started it really was hideous! We had a checkered floor with an old vanity and dingy walls. This month we put down new vinyl, replaced the vanity and gave it a good paint. It's now looking awesome and we're super pleased with the progress we made this month.


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On a slightly negative note, I haven't been very on to it with my reading this month. I finished The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday, but it took considerably longer than normal. It's weird because I enjoyed the book. Next month I'm going to make a much more active effort to read consistently throughout the week.

I've just started Becoming Steve Jobs and I'm already really into it!


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Anyway, that's it from me for this month! This was a really fun post to write. While you're focusing on being more productive remember it's important to take time to celebrate your achievements. Perhaps you to could start a weekly or monthly journal.

Stay awesome!


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