Paul Minors

Internal vs. external productivity [PMP #267]

Internal vs. external productivity

As a student of stoic philosophy, I’ve read many times about the importance of focusing on what you can control and how this impacts your happiness and quality of life. The same idea applies to your productivity.

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If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your work and everything’s getting a bit disorganised, there are a few internal factors that you can control that will help you to be more productive:

While it’s best to focus on internal productivity factors that you can control, you should also be aware of and try to mitigate external factors:

I find categorising your productivity into controllable internal factors and uncontrollable external factors helps me to spend more time and energy on the right areas of my work. It’s also quite empowering when you realise you actually have more control than you think and ultimately how you choose to spend your time and how you choose to respond to external distractions is 100% within your control.

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