Paul Minors

How to plan your time based on energy [PMP #234]

how to plan your time using energy

There are all sorts of techniques we can use and considerations to make when planning our time; how urgent is the work, what needs to be done first, how long do you need?

Well, I’d like to add one more consideration to the mix:

How much energy do you have?

I’m going to use the word ‘energy’ to represent how much effort you can apply to your work right now. In other words, how much actual energy you have but also how you feel in the moment. Are you motivated to work? Are you ready to focus or is something else distracting you?

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Depending on your energy and how much effort you can apply to your work, this will help you decide what you should work on.

High Energy » When you’re in a high energy state and you feel motivated, focussed and ready to work, that’s a good time to start working on a task or project that requires deep focus and attention.

Low Energy » If you’re lacking in energy, maybe during a mid-afternoon slump or towards the end of the working week, that’s a good time to work on tasks that require less effort. e.g. miscellaneous admin, answering email, returning phone calls, anything you need to do that’s quick and easy where you don’t need to think as much.

Even if you’ve planned your day differently, if you’re lacking in energy, there’s no point in trying to work on something that requires more effort.

How to increase your energy

In an ideal world, we’d be able to maintain this high-energy state all the time. But this isn’t realistic. When you find yourself lacking energy, the best thing you can do is to take a break. A bit like how we sleep at night to recover for the next day, we need to take breaks during the day to maintain our energy.

How to plan your time using energy

When you’re planning your day or week, I like to block out time for the projects and tasks I need to work on using my calendar. This helps me to plan my work while keeping in mind my energy levels:

I hope this article has prompted you to be more aware of how you feel during the day and use this to plan accordingly. If you have any tips or tricks you use to maintain your energy and plan accordingly, let me know in the comments below!

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