Paul Minors

How to add snoozing, tasks and read receipts to Apple Mail

how to add snoozing tasks and read receipts to apple mail

In the past, I’ve written about how I manage email. I’ve talked about all the different apps I’ve tried and for one reason or another, I always seem to default back to Apple Mail. is simple, easy to use, reliable, has a nice design and works well across the iPhone and Mac.

Yes, there are some great mail clients out there but I only want to use Apple Mail. I just wish it had a few more features…

Well, now it does!

Using MailButler (affiliate link) I’ve been able to add new features right inside the Apple Mail interface. My favourites include:

If you’re an Apple Mail fan like me but need a few more features, consider giving MailButler a go. It comes with a free trial and is well worth the small fee for paid plans.

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