Paul Minors

How to minimise your Asana projects and stay more organised [VIDEO]

how to mimimise asana projects

One of the biggest areas of confusion when getting started with Asana is how to organise your projects. The great thing about Asana is that there are so many different options and methods you can use to organise your work. But because you start with a blank canvas it means finding the “best” way to organise you work can be tricky.

And bear in mind that you’ll probably never find the perfect way to organise your work. You’ll find that your project setup evolves and changes over time as you discover and refine your style.

Having worked with a number of client’s to optimise their Asana set up, I’ve witnessed a few common mistakes being made. Mainly, users set up too many projects and this makes it much harder to stay organised and maintain a tidy Asana account. This contributes to feelings of overwhelm (“I have so many projects!”).

To overcome this issue, I find myself giving a few common pieces of advice…

Do you feel overwhelmed by your projects and task? Here's how to stay more organised!Click To Tweet

Think of projects as areas of your business.

A lot of people think of Asana projects as, well, projects. i.e. a temporary batch of work like a product launch or development sprint.

Rather than creating an Asana project for each “project” that you’re working on, I often recommend setting up Asana projects for the different departments or areas of your business. For example, I have a project and section set up like this:

With a project set up like this, the project will never come to an end. These projects are all ongoing.

Question: So what’s the advantage of setting up projects like this?

In short, it minimises the total number of projects you have to manage making it much easier to maintain an organised Asana account. Too often I get into a client’s account and see they’ve gone crazy setting up projects for all sorts of different things and some projects may contain only a few tasks. Rather than setting up a project for each new piece of work, you should demote the project to a task and take advantage of the hierarchy that Asana gives you (sections, subtasks). More on this below…

Think of tasks as “mini-projects”

Let’s say you have a product launch coming up. Instead of creating a project for this launch, you could structure this as a section inside a “Products” project. Or even as a single task within a section. You would then use subtasks (and sections to organise your subtasks) to plan all the activities that need to be completed for the launch.

One of the advantages of this approach is that is combats a common question I hear; “Is there a way to view and organise all your projects in Asana?”. While Asana doesn't give you a clear way of viewing all active projects (apart from simply viewing them in the sidebar), now, because you’ve set up your work projects as tasks, you can add these to a master Asana project and essentially view your “projects” in one place.

I recently wrote about how I use a kanban board to organise my tasks and “mini-projects”. By adding tasks (i.e. your mini projects, like a product launch) to this kanban board, you can see what stage each of your “projects” is at.

Take advantage of the Asana hierarchy to stay more organised

When using this approach to minimise your total number of projects, it’s important to take advantage of the different features Asana has given us to organise your account.

What are they? Here we go:

Hopefully now you can see how a task can be structured like a project and therefore helps to minimise the total number of projects in your account.

As I mentioned before, now you could even go a step further and add the “Write copywriting ebook” subtask to a master project (like a kanban board) that displays all the active “projects” you're working on.

Using a board vs. list

Finally, it’s worth asking the question, when should you use a board vs. a list? In general, I recommend going with the list view for a few reasons:

Boards are still useful and have their place:

How do you set up your projects?

What do you think of this approach? How do you set up your projects? I'd love to hear your feedback, please leave me a comment below!

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