How I’ve set up my iPhone for maximum productivity [VIDEO]

Like my computer, I've tried to configure my phone to help me to be as productive as possible. In this video, I walk through how I've set up my iPhone to maximize productivity. Here are some of the key takeaways:

  • Set up ‘mode' based home screens e.g. work, fitness.
  • Keep all social apps are in the App Library and not on your home screens so you're less tempted to use them.
  • Keep notifications to a minimum.
  • In Mail, turn off notifications by default but turn on notifications for individual important threads.
  • Don't forget to set up your sleep schedule so your phone doesn't bother you at night.
  • Use Sleep shortcuts to quickly access your calendar or change your alarm without having to open the phone.
  • I use Apple Notes for journaling. Here's my process.
  • I highly recommend Headspace for meditation and for sleep and focus music.