Paul Minors

Being present in Bali

The time is 5:02pm and I'm writing this post on my phone while sitting next to the pool in beautiful Bali.

Hayley and I started the day by waking up at 6:30 (we consider this a lie in), answering some emails, checking the social sphere then heading down out for a round of tennis.

Breakfast included a helping of oats and dried fruit with fresh juice followed by bacon, eggs, croissants and a double shot espresso.

We spent the day lounging by the pool, reading, talking, listening to podcasts and enjoying the warm sun.

No agenda.

No pressure.

Nothing to do and no focus for the day.

Days like these are rare and when they do eventually come around I try to remain present in the moment for as long as I can. This means not worrying about any issues I've left at home or scheming and planning for the future (although my mind often defaults to this). Just enjoying the here and now.

In moments like this I like to remind myself of a favourite quote from Way of the a Peaceful Warrior:

Socrates – Where are you?

Dan – Here.

Socrates – What time is it?

Dan – Now.

Socrates – What are you?

Dan – This moment.

I now realise the irony that as I lay here and type by the pool I'm not following this advice.

Okay, time to switch off (easier said than done)…

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