Apple Mail Tips and Tricks 2022 [VIDEO]

In this video, I share some tips on how to get more out of Apple Mail on the Mac. Here's a breakdown of the video:

  • Set up multiple email accounts and work from one unified inbox.
  • Right-click the icons at the top to customise the toolbar.
  • When emails come in, Archive them when you're done reading/replying. This keeps your inbox clear and makes it easier to manage and keep on top of new messages coming in.
  • You can manually sort emails into mailboxes (like folders).
  • Or you can use Smart Folders to auto-sort your email. Even if an email is archived, it still shows up in these mailboxes.
  • You can use flags to show what needs to be done next on an email (reply, action, read). These flags can be renamed.
  • You can use rules to auto sort and flag your emails.
  • If you have an iCloud account, you can set up rules on the server side so doesn't need to be open.
  • Add contacts to VIP's. This puts messages into their own folder. If you use Mail on the iPhone, your VIPs can have their own notification sounds/settings.
  • Search using emails, dates.
  • If Mail is getting a bit slow, use Clean My Mac to delete old attachments that have been saved and to rebuild your inbox.
  • Turn on ‘Protect Mail Activity' in ‘Preferences » Privacy' to hide your Ip address. Enjoy my productivity training videos and learn more about how to be more organised and get more done in less time.