How to improve team productivity by 20% with Asana [VIDEO]


Managing your team is arguably one of the hardest things about running a business. When your team is working effectively, when transparency and accountability are established and expectations become clearer, you set the stage for your team to do great work.

Asana is one of the best tools you can use to create this productive environment.

In this video, I chat with one of my former clients, David Burk, from the Electron Shop. David adopted Asana and rolled it out to his team a few months ago. I helped David to review his companies account setup and train his team on the best practices. David has experienced a 20% improvement in team productivity since making the switch to Asana.

Some of the key takeaways from this video:

  • Set a clear “launch date” when your team will officially make the switch to Asana. After this date, no more communication should happen via email.
  • Set clear expectations about how and where team communication should be managed. Asana for task related work, Slack for quick questions and email for external and client communication.
  • Set reminders to prompt your team to check their Asana tasks and inbox every few hours.
  • Use saved searches to get quick access to important information like each team members overdue work.

If you're interested in getting help with Asana, feel free to book a free 30-minute introductory call with me so I can find out how to help.